Murine Cath.a differentiated (CAD) cells - Actin

Accession number BBBC052 · Version 1

Example images

Biological application

These are super-resolution images of the actin cytoskeleton with genetic and small molecule perturbations targeted towards specific actin binding proteins. See for more details about the perturbations.


The actin cytoskeleton is visualized using phalloidin conjugated to an AlexaFluor 488 or 568 dye. Images were acquired with a laser scanning confocal microscope using an Apo TIRF 60X 1.49 NA objective. Deconvolution-based super-resolution confocal microscopy was performed by acquiring z-stacks using oversampled 0.03 μm pixels and then deconvolving the images using the Landweber algorithm, resulting in images with approximately 150 nm resolution. Images are size 2048 x 2048 pixels, 16 bit .tiff format.






Ground truth Biological labels button B

The ground truth phenotype for each image is indicated by the directory structure.

For more information

This dataset was created by the Vitriol Lab at Augusta University, Medical College of Georgia. Please contact Eric Vitriol regarding this dataset.

Published results using this image set

Edwards, P., Skruber, K., Milićević, N., Heidings, J. B., Read, T. A., Bubenik, P., & Vitriol, E. A. (2021). TDAExplore: Quantitative analysis of fluorescence microscopy images through topology-based machine learning. Patterns, 2(11), 100367. doi.

Recommended citation

"We used image set [BBBC052] Edwards, P et al., available from the Broad Bioimage Benchmark Collection [Ljosa et al., Nature Methods, 2012]." 


Creative Commons LicenseThe images and ground truth are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (Commercial use prohibited). Eric Vitriol,