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53 results found

Human U2OS cells cytoplasm–nucleus translocation

Accession number BBBC013 · Version 1 Example images Positive Negative Biological application This 96-well plate has images of cytoplasm to nucleus translocation of the Forkhead (FKHR-EGFP) fusion protein in stably transfected human osteosarcoma cells, U2OS. In proliferating cells, FKHR is localized...

Human U2OS cells transfluor

Accession number BBBC015 · Version 1 Example images Positive Negative Biological application The images are of a human osteosarcoma cell line (U2OS) co-expressing beta2 (b2AR) adrenergic receptor and arrestin-GFP protein molecules. The receptor was modified-type that generates "vesicle-type" spots...

Human U2OS cells transfluor

Accession number BBBC016 · Version 1 Example images Positive Negative Description of the biological application This image set is of a Transfluor assay where an orphan GPCR is stably integrated into the b-arrestin GFP expressing U2OS cell line. After one hour incubation with a compound the cells...