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60 results found

Mouse hippocampal presynaptic terminals (vGlut-1 and vGat)

Accession number BBBC044 · Version 1 Example images Description of the biological application These images are of mouse hippocampal presynaptic terminals and the goal is to extract presynaptic terminals' densities. The presented seet of images were being used to validate the accuracy of automatic...

Human White Blood Cells

Accession number BBBC045 · Version 1 Example images Description of the biological application This dataset is useful for measuring differential White Blood Cell Count. White blood cells play an important role in the immune system to protect against infections and diseases. There are 5 different...

Human HT29 colon-cancer cells shRNAi screen

Accession number BBBC017 · Version 1 Example image Biological application These images are of human HT29 colon cancer cells, a cell line that has been widely used for the study of many normal and neoplastic processes. Moffat et al. (Cell, 2006) used the HT29 cell line to screen 4,903 shRNAi...

Human kidney cortex cells

Accession number BBBC051 · Version 1 Example images Biological application The dataset was designed to train a classification algorithm to correctly identify cell types in the human kidney cortex. Images Confocal single channel images of DAPI fluorescence cropped from tissue sections. Images...

Human U2OS Cells – profiling bioactive compounds using Cell Painting

Accession number BBBC036 · Version 1 Example images Description of the biological application Phenotypic profiling attempts to summarize multiparametric, feature-based analysis of cellular phenotypes of each sample so that similarities between profiles reflect similarities between samples. This...


Accession number [BBBCDATASETLINK] · Version [_] Example images Biological application Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pharetra nibh eu massa sodales finibus. Nullam vulputate, quam at finibus lobortis, metus ex efficitur nulla, eu interdum libero massa eu erat. Sed...

Cell Cycle Jurkat Cells

Accession number BBBC048 · Version 1 Example images Biological application Abstract: We show that deep convolutional neural networks combined with nonlinear dimension reduction enable reconstructing biological processes based on raw image data. We demonstrate this by reconstructing the cell cycle of...

Image Sets

Identification and segmentation Accession Description Mode Fields per Sample Total Fields Total Images Ground Truth BBBC001 Human HT29 colon-cancer cells Fluorescent 6 6 6 BBBC002 Drosophila Kc167 cells Fluorescent 5 50 50 BBBC003 Mouse embryos DIC 15 15 15 BBBC004 Synthetic cells Fluorescent 20 100...

Synthetic cells

Accession number BBBC005 · Version 1 Example images In focus Out of focus True foreground Biological application Since robust foreground/background separation and segmentation of cellular objects (i.e.,identification of which pixels below to which objects) strongly depends on image quality, focus...

Drosophila Kc167 cells

Accession number BBBC007 · Version 1 Example images DNA Actin Outlined nuclei Outlined cells Biological application Drosophila melanogaster Kc167 cells were stained for DNA (to label nuclei) and actin (a cytoskeletal protein, to show the cell body). Automatic cytometry requires that cells be...