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60 results found

Human U2OS cells – RNAi Cell Painting experiment

Accession number BBBC025 · Version 1 Morphological profiles of RNAi-induced gene knockdown are highly reproducible but dominated by seed effects Abstract: RNA interference and morphological profiling - the measurement of thousands of phenotypes from individual cells by microscopy and analysis image...

Human Hepatocyte and Murine Fibroblast cells – Co-culture experiment

Accession number BBBC026 · Version 1 Biological application This 384-well plate has images of co-cultured hepatocytes and fibroblasts. Every other well is populated (A01, A03, ..., C01, C03, ...) such that 96 wells comprise the data. Each well has 9 sites and thus 9 images associated, totaling 864...

Mouse trophoblast stem cells

Accession number BBBC033 · Version 1 Example images Description of the biological application Segmenting nuclei in 3D images can be challenging especially when nuclei are clustered. Mouse trophoblast stem cells image contains a clustered monolayer of nuclei that can be difficult to segment. This...

Simulated HL60 cells (from the Cell Tracking Challenge)

Accession number BBBC035 · Version 1 Example images Description of the biological application These are synthetic images from the Cell Tracking Challenge. The images depict simulated nuclei of HL60 cells stained with Hoescht (training datasets). These synthetic images of HL60 cells provide an...

Human MCF7 and A549 cells cytoplasm–nucleus translocation

Accession number BBBC014 · Version 1 Example images Positive Negative Biological application This 96-well plate has images of cytoplasm to nucleus translocation of the transcription factor NFκB in MCF7 (human breast adenocarcinoma cell line) and A549 (human alveolar basal epithelial) cells in...

P. vivax (malaria) infected human blood smears

Accession number BBBC041 · Version 1 Example images Description of the biological application Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that remains a major threat in global health, affecting 200 million people and causing 400,000 deaths a year. The main species of malaria that affect...

Human U2OS cells – compound-profiling Cell Painting experiment

Accession number BBBC022 · Version 1 Example Images Hoechst 33342 staining con A staining SYTO 14 staining WGA + phalloidin staining MitoTracker Deep Red staining Description of the biological application Phenotypic profiling attempts to summarize multiparametric, feature-based analysis of cellular...

FiloData3D - Single A549 cells with filopodia (synthetic image data)

Accession number BBBC046 · Version 1 Example images The synthetic time-lapse image data of a CRMP-2-phospho-defective cell for the given fluorescence level facto(F) and anisotropy ratio (AR). The synthetic image data of a CRMP-2-phospho-defective cell for varying anisotropy ratios (ARs). The...

Broad Bioimage Benchmark Collection

The Broad Bioimage Benchmark Collection (BBBC) is a collection of freely downloadable microscopy image sets. In addition to the images themselves, each set includes a description of the biological application and some type of "ground truth" (expected results).